
DTHub: The Aquasuite OPIR tool

DTHub theme: Operational digital solutions

The challenge

Due to challenges related to accommodating both an ageing workforce and employees who are digital natives, we need to adopt a different way of working and provide tools that everyone can quickly master and can use to solve problems. One of the identified challenges is distributing water in areas with several production plants. To tackle this challenge of competing water demand  has implemented from .

Pilot summary

predicts very accurately on a 15-minute interval the water demand for the upcoming two days. Based on this prediction, Aquasuite OPIR gives production plants in the area setpoints on how much water they have to produce and deliver in the system, or at what pressure they have to operate.

Improved predictions of water consumption, production and distribution patterns will contribute to energy saving and even improve water quality parameters.

Year started: Vitens applied Aquasuite for the first time in January 2002.

Deployment scale: Within Vitens, Aquasuite OPIR is intended to be used within 5 provinces, for all our 94 production plants, serving 2.7 million connections. Right now, OPIR is utilised on half of Vitens’ plants, and it is intended to be in all plants by the end of 2024.

Lessons learned

  1. You need to integrate Aquasuite OPIR with your process automation. In order to do this, you should have a state of the art process automation system.
  2. You need to have a good design for the area in which you want to use Aquasuite OPIR. Design is undertaken in cooperation between Vitens and RoyalHaskoningDHV.
  3. We have trained dedicated staff within the ICT department to help with troubleshooting if required.
  4. Employees have to adapt to this new way of working, a business change management role would be beneficial in the transition.

End users contacts

Mr Doeke Schippers, Vitens, Doeke.schippers@vitens.nl

Mrs Joukje Keuning, Vitens, Joukje.keuning@vitens.nl

Additional contacts:

Mr. Martijn Deenen, Aquasuite martijn.deenen@rhdhv.com

Mr. Melchior Schenk, Aquasuite melchior.schenk@rhdhv.com